Monday, January 27, 2014

Another Polish Blog?

Okay, I can image what your thinking. Aren't there enough polish blogs out there. Yes there are quit a few, there are some really great ones in fact. So, why create yet another one?  Well I have a few reasons for creating this blog.

To begin let me give you a little insight about myself. I am not a girly girl, I'm what you might call a plain Jane. If you know me, you know I hate shopping, I only wear makeup for special occasions, and my wardrobe primarily consists of jeans and t-shirts. Well as part of my News Years resolution I decided to reinvent my image. This is something I'll be working on throughout this year but at the beginning of this journey of reinvention I discovered nail art. To say the least I am quickly becoming obsessed. Obsessed with nail care, polish, and nail art designs.  Alright, obsession is not a great reason to start a blog but its one reason.

Back to the question, why create another blog about all things nail related?  Well, I have been reviewing a great many blogs that share beautiful designs, however, when I try to recreate these designs or try the techniques it's not always a success. So I've decide to create a blog that keeps it real, I'll give you good, the bad, and even the ugly. Other than simply painting my nails and trying a few nail art techniques this is all new to me.

Many of you might find this to be just another old hat, some of you might be like me and new to this nail thing. For those of you who have experience I hope I'll be able to inspire you to recreate some of your favorite designs. For those of you who are newbies like myself, I hope I inspire you to keep trying and hopefully be able to give you some tips to keep you from getting too frustrated.

I'd love to hear from you, what designs or techniques would you like to see?

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