Thursday, April 3, 2014

Autism Awarness Month

April is autism awarness month.  Autism is a general term that is used to descibe a group of complex developmental disorders that affect social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors (  As of 2012, the CDC reported that the prevelance of autism is 1 in every 68 births in the United States (  

Whether you know someone with autism or a family that cares for an autistic person it is great to show your support.  There are numerous ways to show your support, one way is to wear your sign of support on your nails.  The most commonly recognized symbol in the Autistic Community is the Puzzle Piece Ribbon.  Here is a simple puzzle design nail art tutorial:


  • Base and top coat
  • Four shades of polish (I tried to stay with the traditional shades of blue, red, yellow, and green)
  • White or black nail art striper (or polish and brush or toothpick)

Start with your lightest color.  For my design I started with blue this is not my lightest color but my yellow is very thin and I didn't want to put on too many layers.

Then with your three other colors draw blocks and fill them in with each color.  You can use tape if you'd prefer crisp lines.  I decided to use nail art stripers and practice my free hand.

Using a medium size dotting tool, dot each color into the square next to, below, and above it.  This creates the interlocking puzzle piece design.

Using white or black polish outline the puzzle pieces.  Use whatever tool you are most comfortable with a nail art striper, a brush, a dotting tool; I used a toothpick.  I did have a difficult time with the outlining and had to go back in with my dotting tool to fix some of the imperfections.

Finish of with a clear topcoat and there you have a puzzle design.  You can use these same techniques to design an array of puzzle piece inspired designs to help show your support to the autistic community.  Here is the design that I came up with using the same techniques in different manners.

If you would like to find out more ways that you can support the autistic community checkout:  Thank you for viewing this tutorial, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,

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