Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Hand Painted Water Decal

For this "what r u wearing Wednesday" post I wanted to try a technique I had seen on Instagram that I had never tried before. A wonderful artist @lissmel9 on Instagram posted a video showing how to take a water decal and hand painting.

I happen to have some water decals laying around so I thought I would give it a try.  I had two issues when I did this. 1) I accidentally folded my decal when I was sliding it off of its backing and 2) the design is small and intricate so I was having a hard time keeping in the lines.  Originally I was going to do this design/technique and do two accent fingers my mid and ring fingers but I ended up with doing just my ring finger because I was getting frustrated.  Here is what I ended up with…

I used Sinful Colors Endless Blue which I am endlessly in love with for all but my accent finger.  For my hand painted water decal I used a variety of Sinful Colors, Zoya, and OPI nail polishes.  The dominant yellow polish behind the water decal is Sinful Colors Let's Meet, I love how it sparkles.  Both of the Sinful Colors are from the Chill Out collection which I swatched recently you can check them out here.

The water decal I used is Item #8116 pattern D211 in black from  Don't forget to use coupon code: CREATEX31 for 10% off your next purchase.

This didn't come out as grand as I was hoping but it doesn't look half bad either.  I think the next time I try this technique I will do it with a less complicated decal to make it much easier on myself than maybe I won't have so many issues.

If you are on Instagram checkout @lissmel9, and don't forget to post your #whatruwearingwed mani, and follow me as well if you like my posts.  @lissmel9 also has a You Tube Channel check it out for other techniques and nail art designs.  You can also post your "What r u wearing Wednesday" mani on my Facebook page while your there don't forget to like and follow me.  You can also follow my blog through Google Friend Connect by clicking the "Join this site" icon on the top right hand side of the screen.  You can also follow me through Google+, Bloglovin, and/or Pinterest.  I can't wait to see what your wearing today, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,

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