Sunday, April 12, 2015

I A.M...Custom Color - Fraggle Rock Collections Swatches and Review

Hello Lovelies!  I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend.  I am very excited to share with you today my first purchase from I A.M...Custom Color, the Fraggle Rock inspired collection she launched a couple of weeks ago. 

I discovered IAMCC through Instagram, as I find many of my favorite indies and fellow nail artist.  A while ago she launch a Ren and Stimpy collection, but sadly I was not in a position to purchase it and was just never able to get my hand on the complete collection (you know I'm the all or none type of gal).  When she first mentioned creating a Fraggle Rock inspired collection I was on board from the get go.  I loved Fraggle Rock as a child, and my now two year old daughter enjoys the show too.  The very moment she launched the new collection I placed the purchase, because I didn't want to miss out on this one.

Anytime, I make a purchase with a new company indie or otherwise I am always a little leery.  This being my first purchase with IAMCC I had no idea what to expect.  The first surprise was that when I responded to her Instagram post of the collection launch with a statement that I had already placed a purchase for the collection, she offered me my choice of a free cuticle oil or top coat.  I opted for the top coat because I'm always looking for a good top coat.  I received my order much quicker than I had anticipated, I order on Saturday and received my order the following Thursday.  Quick shipping is a big deal to me because I am a very impatient person, so I really appreciate it when I order something and receive it relatively quickly.  This is one of the fastest turn around times I have had on an order I have placed with an indie maker.

I wanted to swatch this collection for you sooner but I was away last weekend visiting family for the holiday.  Then, of course, I was waiting on the sun because there are holos in this collection and I really wanted to get some sun shots.  However, I got tired of waiting for the sun so unfortunately all the swatches you are about to see are lamplight (sorry).  But these polishes are so pretty that I don't think you'll mind.

Before I get into the swatches I did want to comment on IAMCC's labeling, I love it!  As you can see in the above picture the front label is a simple vinyl label with the brand logo, which I think is a lovely logo.  However, the real genius to the labeling is the description label on the bottom.  On the bottom is the brand name, polish name, and type (i.e. crème, holo, metallic, etc.).  This is fantastic for a plebe, or any newbie polish collector/nail artist.  Even after a year of hardcore polish collecting I still don't have all the polish types down, and half the time I'm looking at a polish I'm not really sure what it is or what it's intended to be.  This labeling takes all the guess work out of figuring out what it is from the appearance of the bottle, plus it helps identify special little features like a couple of these polishes have.  Anyways, on to the swatches...

30 Minute Work Week

This is the only crème polish of the collection, and it is a gorgeous dark neon purple that leans towards a burple shade.  I own a great many crème polishes, it is the type I like the most because it is great for all kinds of nail art.  I swatched it in three coats and did not apply a top coat.  I was pleasantly surprised at how shiny it is even without a top coat.

Space Frog Follies

Wow!  I have said this before and I'll say it again, I think green polish are the most underappreciated polish shades.  This neon yellowy-green is the only metallic shimmer polish of the bunch and it is so eye-catching.  I applied this with two coats and no top coat again it is so shiny even without a top coat.  So pretty!

The River of Life

Oh...M...Gee!!!  This is probably one of the pretties polishes of all times.  This is a beautiful aqua green shade that is packed full of holo goodness.  So much shimmer and shine, I'm sure it will look gorgeous in the sun (curse you NY weather for not cooperating!).  This is two coats with no top coat.

Secret Society of Poobahs

I love, love, love this polish!  It looks exactly like Mokey so befitting since it is named after the episode that revolves around Mokey and her desire to get into this Secret Society of Poobahs.  This is a very interesting purple pink shade that looks more pink against my skin tone.  Shown here in two coats without a top coat.

I like this shade so much, that I happen to wear it all last weekend.  I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the sun and was able to snap a sunlight picture of this.  The picture below is two coats with IAMCC's Diamond Pro top coat in direct sunlight. Sooooo pretty!

Capture the Moon

As most of you know I am a sucker for blues and this is just too gorgeous!  This medium dark blue is so interesting.  It is somehow bright and dark at the same time, I'm not really sure how that can be but, I just can't stop staring at this.  This is the first true blue holo that I own and I'm just absolutely in love.  This is shown in two coats with no top coat, thought it was mostly opaque with one coat.

Red's Club

Okay, this is a first for me, a thermal polish.  To be honest, I have never given much thought to thermal polishes.  My general thought was well that's different, but other than that my thoughts never went any further.  However, thermals are so cool (or hot).  This thermal transitions from a orangey-red when cold to a bright yellow when warm.  This thermal is full of beautiful gold micro glitters.  I swatched this with two coats and again no top coat.  The picture below starts with cold, then transition, and the bottom is warm.  The neat thing about a thermal, is that it creates a natural gradient without the extra mess or work to create the gradient affect.

Fraggle Wars

This is such a fun glitter topper full of bright colored random size and shape pieces, and yes it glows in the dark.  This is the second GITD polish I have ever worked with, and I was very impressed with its glow, it required minimal light charging and lasted longer than the one other GITD polish I have tried.  I swatched this over '30 Minute Work Week' and 'Space Frog Follies'  I applied two coats for each swatch.

Final Thoughts

I am so happy with this purchase from IAMCC.  The collection is incredibly diverse with so many colors and polish types.  The collection perfectly represents Fraggle Rock and the episodes and characters they are meant to represent.  The polishes have great opacity, and are just incredibly pretty.  I am hands down 110% satisfied with my order, from the moment that I placed the purchase I had a smile on my face and now I have pretty polishes that will take me on trips down memory lane for years to come.  I am absolutely certain that I'll be placing future orders with IAMCC.

If I have an opportunity to catch the sun off guard I'll post pictures of the holo polishes I didn't get sun shots of on my Instagram account.  I hope you enjoyed these swatches and found the review useful.  Thanks for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,



  1. They are beautiful on your nails Crystal. I love them all especially what you have on, the purple is to die for, and Capture the Moon is gorgeous. They all look awesome on you. I wish the company would give you a few bottles for a giveaway.

    1. Thank you HappyGrandma! It would be a nice to have a couple of these for a giveaway. I am hoping to do a giveaway soon, but no promises yet ; )


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