Saturday, May 2, 2015

April's Freehand Challenge Recap

Hello Lovelies!  I apologize for the lack of new posts lately, but between traveling, a cold, and life in general I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything.  However, I did finish up all of April's Freehand IG challenge prompts.  The last prompt I have not shared with you here yet.

For the first prompt, Flowers, I created an Easter themed scene  I was very proud of this design.

For the second prompt, I created a geometric design that I think was probably my least successful design of this months challenge prompts,  I love the idea but I think my execution could use some work.  Of course, this was created with my non-dominant hand, so maybe with my dominant hand (or more practice) this would have turned out a bit better.

Prompt number three was animal prints, so I used this as an opportunity to create my first zebra print design ever,  Again, I like the concept of this design but feel I could use some practice.  But for it being my first zebra print I don't think its so bad.

The next prompt, dotticure, was and is my favorite prompt.  I love dotticures because they are so easy to create and so versatile.  I decided to go with bright colors for this prompt, because it just seemed right, plus its spring time, and I needed a brighter perspective.

 The last prompt is to recreate a design, either of our own or of another artist.  I had a difficult time with this prompt because I have never recreated another's artwork for fear of not doing them justice.  It took me a couple of attempts but I finally recreated something I thought was presentable.

I decided to recreate a design from one of my biggest IG inspirations @ane_li.  She has created so many interesting and creative nail art design most of which are painted freehand.  My recreation hardly does her original (in the bottom left corner) justice, but I really liked the design.

For those of you who are curious, I did not create an individual post for this last prompt, because I didn't create the original design.  There is an excellent video on @ane_li IG feed of her painting this design.  If you are not familiar with her work I highly recommend you check out her account.

I really enjoyed April's prompts.  I think this is a great challenge, and is really helpful for practicing your freehand skills.  So, you know I will be participating in May's challenge (prompts listed below).  I hope you enjoyed these nail art designs, and I hope you'll give this challenge a try.  Thanks for stopping by see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,


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Random Nail Art
