Sunday, August 9, 2015

Nautical Nonsense

Hello Lovelies!  You've probably noticed I've been posting less and less lately.  I'm finding that I am having difficulty dividing my time between everyday boring responsibilities (boo), enjoying fun summertime activities (yay!), and nail art.  So, I've been putting nail art on the back burner lately so that I can partake in the later two.  However, there are so many summertime nail art designs that I want to accomplish.  To help check off some of the designs I had in mind I decided to create this mish mash nautical themed skittle mani...

I used a wide variety of products for this nail art design, so instead of listing everything here I've decided to include the products used for each nail in the individual tutorials.  So, if you like one particular design just scroll down to that finger and save yourself the time.

After applying my INM ridge free base coat, I applied a half circle of white on my thumb using Color Club 'Blank Canvas,' I also used this on my mid and ring fingers.  Upon my mid and ring fingers I also applied a quick drying topcoat because I used vinyls.  I used Lucky Lacquer 'Forget Me Not' on my pointer and upon my pinky I applied Smokey Mountain Lacquer's 'Fairy Water' from the Christmas in July Indie Collab box.

Beach Ball

Upon my thumb I created a beach ball, I created a very similar design last year using binder reinforcements as a guide (Life's a Beach).  This time I created the design freehand.  I used the applicator brush from the bottle and created a half circle on the tip of my nail.  I then used orange, red, and yellow nail art stripers to draw stripes on my beach ball.  I prefer to start on the sides first, and draw the center stripe in last.  I curved the stripes slightly and made the center stripe bow out in the middle to give the illusion of the ball's roundness.

Island Oasis

On my ring finger, I created my very own island oasis complete with crossing palm trees.  Over my sky blue I painted a small island at the tip of my nail using the applicator brush of China Glaze 'Don't Honk Your Thorn.'  I then created the trunks of the crossing palms using a small detail brush and OPI 'Going My Way or Norway?'  I painted in the palm fronds using a green nail art striper.  I outlined the trunks and added a few pebbles in the sand using 'How Great is Your Dane?' along with a small detail brush and a toothpick.  I finished the scene using Color Club 'Blank Canvas,' and Smokey Mountain Lacquer 'Fairy Water' and sponged the tide line along the edge of my nail.

Friendly Little Whale

On my mid finger, I decided to create a friendly little whale.  I originally intend for him to be part of a coastal scene involving a light house but this will have to do.  Over my white base, I used the wave vinyls I had received from Ochouseofdecals, I placed two vinyls upon my nail.  I painted the upper portion with Lucky Lacquer 'Forget Me Not,' the center wave stripe received Zoya 'Rebel', and the wave on the tip was filled in with Smokey Mountain Lacquer 'Fairy Water.'  I removed the vinyls immediately after polish application.

Next, I freehand painted my little whale friend.  I painted his body and tail using a small detail brush and China Glaze 'Intelligence, Integrity, & Courage.' I then outlined his body, gave him a fin and a blowhole using the same brush and Color Club 'Tall, Dark, & Handsome.'  I used a Art Club Dou pen and gave him an eye and a smile.  Lastly, I created a spray from his blowhole using Color Club 'Blank Canvas' and my small detail brush.

Charming Anchor

This nail design was quite simple, and I did it only because I wanted to use some goodies I received in some recent giveaways I had won.  Using straight vinyls, I used two per stripe to create slightly wide stripes.  I used the same red nail art striper I used to create my beach ball design, and filled in the stripes.  I removed each set of vinyls between stripe applications to prevent pulling.  At this stage I performed a bit of clean up with acetone and a brush, applied a topcoat and immediately applied the anchor charm.  I occasionally glue charms, but I didn't this time because I did not intend to wear this very long.  However, if you want yours to stay on for a substantive amount of time I would recommend using glue, especially for a charm of this size.

Yellow Bikini

Upon, my cute little pinky nail I decided to create my design for this week's Nail Art Nation prompt: Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini.  I know it doesn't fit the prompt precisely but it does include a yellow bikini and polka dots.  Over my blue base color, I applied small white polka dots using Color Club 'Blank Canvas' and a small dotting tool.  I then used the same dotting tool and yellow from the same nail art striper I used on my thumb, and did my best to fill in the white dots with yellow.  Why did I bother to apply white under the yellow? Well to make the yellow appear brighter over the blue, of course.  I then used a bikini water decal I received as part of the Christmas in July Indie Collab box set and applied it over top.

As per usual I performed a final clean up with acetone and a brush, and applied my favorite topcoat.  I've mentioned this before but it is very important that you float the topcoat to prevent streaks and runs.  This is also important to do over decals, if you look closely on the bikini on my pinky you'll see why its important.

So, there you have it five nail art designs in one.  With so much to do and not enough time to get it all done this funky skittle mani makes up for lost time.  I hope you enjoyed this nautical nonsense creation and found the tutorials useful.  Thanks for sticking around, and thanks for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,

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