Monday, November 16, 2015

Polar Express Inspired Nails Recreated

Hello Lovelies! I know its still a bit early to get into Christmas nail art designs but this past Friday we had a Polar Express movie viewing party. I used this as an excuse to recreate the Polar Express Inspired nails that I created last year.   I love to do recreations because it is a great way to see what kind of progress I've made and what techniques I've improved upon.  This is what I created this time...

I started with a gradient base using China Glaze "New Birth," "Capacity to See Beyond," & "Well Trained."

I sponged a little bit of Sinful Colors "24 Karat" across the center of all my nails.

Using my favorite calligraphy pen and silver ink I scribed "Believe" across my pointer, mid, and ring finger.

I layered white ink over the silver so that the silver created a shadow affect.

To create the jingle bell on my pinky, I used China Glaze "Swing Baby" and a large dotting tool. I then used my calligraphy pen and black ink to add detail to the bell. I added a bit of red ribbon using an Art Club Duo pen.

I used image plate QA57 from and silver stamping polish from Mundo De Unas to stamp a small snowflake over the "I".

I also randomly stamped snowflakes on my Cindy hand.

I did my usual clean up with gentle acetone and a brush, and topped it all off with a glossy topcoat.

Here is a comparison of the recreation and the original...

I prefer the gradient in the newer version of this design. In fact, I love this gradient. I also prefer using the calligraphy pen and ink. I have better control with the pen, and the calligraphy ink is similar to acrylic paint in that if you make a mistake you can scratch it away when it dries and start fresh.

It is really nice to see progress when doing these recreations. I am pleased with what my practice has produced. I hope you enjoyed this nail art recreation. Thanks for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,

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