Wednesday, March 5, 2014

O.P.I. Study

OPI was found in 1981 and is a family‐owned company.  OPI has prided themselves on being industry leaders and setting the standards for the Professional Beauty Industry.  They have more than 200 lacquer colors available  (  Not to mention all of their celebrity endorsed nail lacquer lines, like the Gwen Stefani Collection and there soon to be released Muppets Most Wanted Collection.  In addition to all their lovely nail lacquers OPI, is animal friendly, never testing any of their products on animals (  OPI is also committed to helping those in need around the globe, donating to local causes, matching fund donations, and assisting with child education.  Fashion forward and community driven OPI is a brand that almost anyone can get behind.
Price Range ‐ $4 ‐ $15
Average Price ‐ $7 ‐ $8
(Moderately priced)

My Intial Impressions
O.P.I. has hundreds upon hundreds of colors to choose from, with so many choices it can be a bit overwhelming to decide what colors you really want or must have.  In the past, I have often passed on O.P.I. because I overwhelm easily. Here are my intial impressions of O.P.I.

Initial Impressions
Typical bottle shape, but the O.P.I. logo is on the applicator handle. Not to mention the fun names they call their colors.
Simple bottle shape makes them easy to store.
Clear and precise, no small print.

The Application
After applying my base coat, I applied two coats of O.P.I.'s NL S63 Chicago Champagne Toast.  After my experience with the China Glaze study when the polish just wouldn't dry I expected to be sitting still for a very long time.  However, I was pleasantly surprised  by how quickly this polish dried.  In 15 minutes it was dry to the touch, by 25 minutes it was completely dry.  I test to see if its completely dry by pressing on my nail with my thumb to see if  it leaves any finger print.  

I was disappointed to see that there was a few bubbles in the polish (you'll see this in the pictures below).  From my experience this occurs when the polish is too thin. Though it appears to give full coverage with two coats this may not be the case. If I had done a third coat or applied it thicker bubbling may not have occurred.  Here are my scores for the application process.

Applicator Handle
Easy to hold, easy to maneuver.
Applicator Brush
Firm but flexible, very smooth.
Polish Thickness
Not too thick, but bubbled when dried after 2 coats.
Number of Coats
2 coats to achieve desired appearance.
Drying Time
Dry to the touch in 15 minutes.  Completely dry in 25 minutes.
Similarity to Color in the Bottle
Looks exactly the same.

Day to Day
I applied this late Tuesday evening after the baby went to bed.  I do most of my nail art, maintenance, and polish projects when the little one is sleeping.  It really is the best time.

Day 1 consisted of basic chores and laundry (yuck!).  I was a little sad to see that the polish had already chipped quit obviously on my right hand.

End of Day 1
Day 2 was a relatively lazy day, just some basic chores and bath time for baby girl.  I mention bath time because my hands spend a significant time in the water.

End of Day 2
Day 3 consisted of more chores (blah).  I also assembled a storage unit and tidied up the playroom.

End of Day 3
Day 4 I went out and did a little shopping.  

End of Day 4
Day 5 I put some things away in storage and I began a new crafting project.

End of Day 5
Day 6 I went to the gym and spent some more time on my crafting project.  I also spent a significant time typing.  I feel the typing is significant because your fingers spend a lot of time striking.  Unless your nails are very short this can take a bit of a toll on a nail finish.

End of Day 6
Day 7 I went shopping again.  I needed to pick up a few pieces for my craft project.  Are you curious what my craft project is?  It is kind of nail art related, comment down below if you are.

End of Day 7

Here are the daily scores for this O.P.I. polish.

Daily Scores
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

I was both pleased and disappointed with this polish.  It initial appearance, the application, the quick drying time were all very good.  Even the initial wear was good with just little nicks and chips here and there. Towards the end of the week the polish just couldn't hold up and really began to chip.  O.P.I. earned a total of 76 out of 100 points on my scoring system, earning them a B.  This is what I expected for this price range. In conclusion, I feel that O.P.I. is worth the expense.  Let me know if you agree or disagree.

Your fellow Polish Plebe,

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