Monday, June 30, 2014

"On Holiday" Challenge

This months Lacquer Legion Challenge is "On Holiday".  My family and I recently just got from our holiday, we went to Atlanta.  While we were there we visited the aquarium.  It was my daughter's first time to an aquarium and she loved it!  She was excited by each exhibit and learned so many new words (she's 16 months old).  So for the "On Holiday" Challenge I decided to do an underwater theme in honor of my daughters favorite part of our first family vacation.

I started with two coats of a white base color.
I then sponged three shades of blue on my nail and created the "floor" of the ocean by painting the tip with a light tan.  Because I wanted it to look like sand I intentionally painted it wavy.
To give the impression that this was underwater I used a shimmery irridescent top coat and a striping brush to create little water ripples.
With the background set I used acrylic paints to paint a variety of underwater creatures and features.  This is my first time using acryclic paints for nailart.  I had a good time with the paints but I discovered it is best to use water to thin the paints some.  Using paints that are thick create lumps and bumps and makes a smooth finish difficult to accomplish.  On my pointer I drew jelly fish, a crab on my middle finger, a school of fish on my ring finger, a seahorse on my pinky, and for my thumb I drew a treasure chest that I added some gold studs to.
I really enjoyed this months ##LLonholiday challenge and I can't wait to see what next months challenge is!  See you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,

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