Monday, June 2, 2014

Tickled and Bubbly What a Great Combination

It is not at all surprising that Zoya's Tickled and Bubbly collections go together so well.  The colors pair up nicely between the two collections it is really difficult not to wear them together.

I've been playing around with these two collections all week and what fun I've been having.  I wanted to share with you a manicure I did using Rocha from the Tickled collection and Jesy from the Bubbly collection.

Top and base coat
Two shades of polish
Striping tape

For this manicure I started with one coat of Rocha on my thumb, pointer, and pinky fingers; two coats of Jesy on my mid and ring fingers.

Once that was completely dry, I used striping tape and placed them randomly on my pointer and mid fingers.  As a helpful tip when you are doing a random pattern like this try to keep in mind what order you placed them down in so that you can take them off in the reverse order.  I failed to do this and had a hardtime taking them off without causing problems.

I then placed a coat of Jesy over the Rocha on my pointer and a coat of Rocha over the Jesy on my mid.  Then remove the tape (hopefully in the right order).

This design reminds me of a laser light show.  The color combination is awesome too! I really like the new Tickled & Bubbly Collections from Zoya.  I have been having so much fun with them.  I hope you enjoyed this mani as much as I did.  If you liked this post please follow me through Google+BloglovinFacebookInstagramPinterest, and/or Nails2DieFor.

Your Fellow Plebe,

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