Monday, August 18, 2014

Essie's Dress to Kilt Fall 2014 Collection

I mentioned with the last fall collection that I swatched that I love fall.  Autumn colors are so rich and warm that they just make me feel all comfy cozy.  To me this collection is just perfect for fall they are rich, dark, and just meant for fall.  All of the swatches were applied with a one coat application
except for 'Take it Outside' which I probably could have gotten away with one coat if I had applied it slightly thicker.

This is the lightest shade in the collection and it perfectly compliments all the other colors.  This taupe is both a tan and a gray shade.

This colors is very interesting it is somewhat of an army green with just a touch of teal in it.  I guess that makes it an army teal.

This color is very rich and also has a teal hue to it though of a much darker variety.  It reminds me of a hunter green, so we'll call this a hunter teal.

This color is a dark chocolaty brown.  I know I compare all browns to chocolate, I just can't help it.  I love chocolate almost as much as I love polish and nail art, almost.

Blues are always my favorite and this is one that I'll be wearing a lot this fall.  This color is a dark royal blue shade that is just gorgeous.

The color the collection is named after.  A rich warm beautiful red shade.  This is now the third red that I have purchased and I  think this is my favorite of them all.  It is very sexy and eye‐catching but also very classy.  Loooovvvve it!

I am in love with this collection, it is perfect for fall and the formulas are fantastic.  What more could you ask for?  I think the only thing that could have improved this collection  for me personally, would be the addition of a burnt orange.  I have yet to find a fall collection  that offers the perfect orange for fall.  However, this collection is still the best I've yet to see and try.

I hope you enjoyed these swatches and found the reviews useful.  To keep up with the most current posts follow my blog by click the Join this Site icon on the top right hand side of the screen.  Or you can follow me through Google+, Facebook, Instagram, Bloglovin, and/or Pinterest.  Thanks for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,

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