Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"Garden" Challenge

This months Lacquer Legion Challenge theme is garden.  Since it is Wednesday I'm combining this post with my "What are you Wearing Wednesday?" show and tell post.  Unfortunately, this isn't my most creative manicure but I had some water decals from the Born Pretty online store that I thought fit the theme perfectly.

For this manicure I started with two coats of Rooney from Zoya's new Tickled Collection.  I swatched and reviewed this collection yesterday, if you'd like to see the rest of this collection scroll down or click this link here.  I then placed flowered water decals on the tips of all fingers except my pointer and pinky.  The decals were long enough and my nails were short enough that I could use them as a full nail decal on my pointer and pinky.

The Born Pretty Store has a great selection of nail art decorations and supplies at very reasonable prices.  Check them out at and while your there use the following coupon code: CREATEX31 to receive 10% off your order.

I hope you enjoyed my version of garden themed nails.  See you soon.

Your Fellow Plebe,

#LLgarden  #whatruwearingwed

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