Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Zoya's Tickled Collection Swatches and Review

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend.  Memorial day is the jumping off point for summer so today I'd like to share with you an awesome summer collection... Zoya's Tickled collection!  Summer nail polish collections bring out the bright bold colors and Zoya does not fail to impress with this new collection.  This collection is a beautiful crème collection (my favorite nail polish finish) with a really fun pallete.  

The formulas in this collection are the richest and creamiest.  All of the swatches below are applied in two coats though I probably could have gotten away with one coat on just about all the colors.  I originally photographed these swatches indoors using my lightbox like I normally do and then I discovered two things: 1) I had a big smudge on my camera lens and 2) these colors look some much prettier in the sunlight.  So, I re-swatched these today and photographed them outside in indirect sunlight so you could see how pretty they are.

This color is super cute and girly.  This bright bubble gum pink is a real eye catcher. 

This is a beautiful medium shade of pink which leans more towards fuchsia.

Another gorgeous pink shade that has a more coral hue.

This is an absolutely gorgeous color.  This orange red is more than mild, it is Hot, Hot, Hot!

I believe that green shades are under appreciated in the polish community but I really appreciate this shade of green.  This fun shade of green is a bit retro but still so stylish.

Saving the best for last (well in my opinion) my favorite shade, blue.  This lovely blue is a medium shade that is rich and vibrant.  What more could you ask for?

This collection is absolutely wonderful, the formulas are fantastic. ( I have yet to find any shoddy formulas when it comes to Zoya.)  These colors are fabulously bright and eye‐catching.  Zoya did not label these as neon shades but I think it is safe to say that they are pretty much neon.  And guess what no white base color polish was needed to make these colors pop, they do it all by themselves.  So, if you want bright colors with out all the extra fuss this is the collection for you.  Stay tuned for the Bubbly collection swatches and review.  See you soon.  

Your Fellow Plebe,

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