Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fail File - Trying to do Too Much

So, I had this great idea to create a layered design using striping tape to create thin lines and then to do some stamping over it. I decided to stick with Halloween colors and add a layer of glow in the dark polish between the stripping layer and the stamping layer.  This project started out great though a bit tedious. Stripping tape is great for a lot of projects but it can be really aggravating to work with.

I started this project off with a solid base of Sinful Colors 'Snow Me White' and applied a quick drying top coat.

Once it was dry I completely covered my nail with stripping tape. This was very time consuming but I felt it was necessary to get the look that I wanted.

I then removed one tape at a time and with a stripping brush and yellow and orange polish I began creating my thin stripes. For this pattern, I removed a tape and painted a yellow stripe in Sinful Colors 'Let's Meet'. I would then immediately remove the stripes on either side of the yellow to keep the polish from drying and pulling with the tape. I would leave the stripe above the yellow, white but with a stripping brush and orange polish I would carefully fill in the row under the yellow. For my orange I used Sinful Colors 'Sunburnt'. I then proceeded by leaving the tape under the orange stripe and pulled the next one down and then repeat my pattern with the yellow.

I did this same pattern and procedure on all my fingers but changing the direction of the stripping. This took several hours and a lot of tape. I topped this all off with Sinful Colors 'Glow in the Dark' polish. I was really excited about this because it actually glows very well, compared to the other glow in the dark polish.

At this point it was one in the morning and I was exhausted from all the stripping tape that I decided to through in the towel for the evening and pick this back up in the morning.

So, part two and this is where the failing begins. I decided to use my Konad m63 plate and use the loopy image to stamp in black over all the stripping I had already done. I thought this would create an interesting look when it glowed in the dark. To say the least my stamp would not transfer properly.  I can not get a successful stamped image from any Konad plate and it is very frustrating.

After attempting to stamp two fingers I gave up on the stamp all together and using a black nail art stripper touched up the bad stamping and drew a similar pattern on the rest of my fingers (well on my left hand anyways).

Some how while going through all this I inadvertently laid my right hand pinkie in black polish and ruined my stripes. At this pointed I surrendered and decided to give up on this project all together.

Conceptually I thought this was going to be a really cool and different kind of Halloween nail art design but instead I was left with a mess and a whole lot of frustration. I really should have just left it with the stripping or done a plain base color with stamping but I tried to do to much. Some say simpler is better and I'm learning the hard way that, that is mostly true with nail art. The only thing I really achieved besides exhaustion (from lack of sleep) was that I got to see my glow in the dark polish in action, which it looks awesome by the way.  I hope you find my debacle insightful and know you are not alone with your nail art frustration. Thank you for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,


  1. yes,i hate when its happen to me !! but at least you have some nice pictures , before smudged with black polish :)

    1. It is so aggravating isn't it Bubica. I did get some good pictures with the stripped design, I really should have just stopped there. Oh well, we live and we learn.

    2. dont be sad :) it is easiest to say it then dont be sad ! i know ! ! and plus i dont like to do nail art during the day, always happened something that i must do do or finish some nails smudged .night is my work time :)


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