Thursday, October 9, 2014

Simple Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Manicure

As many of you are well aware October is national breast cancer awareness month. I too, like so many others have been affected by this disease. At the age of 12 I learned of this disease when my Great-Grandmother passed away because of it. Since, then my Grandmother, and two Aunts have also been afflicted by this disease. They have successfully completed treatment, and for that we are thankful, but it feels as though an ominous cloud over hangs the women of my family. We all fear this disease and wonder which of us will discover that questionable lump next.

Being aware of this disease isn't enough, this is the second leading cause of death for women in the United States. It does not discriminate; it doesn't care what race you are, what color your hair or eyes are, what country your from, how much money you make or what your political views are and though its more common for women to be diagnosed with breast cancer, men can also be afflicted with this disease. There is no way to prevent getting cancer but early detection very important. Through early
detection allows getting proper treatment early in the cancers development resulting in a higher success rate. To create your early detection plan head over to, create your plan, and share this site with your friends, family, and everyone you know. Let's not let this disease get the better of us, let's face it head on and show it that it can't win.

One way to show your support and to create awareness is to create an attention grabbing nail art design. I created a simple breast cancer awareness manicure using some of my favorite pinks from Zoya. When I think pink, Zoya always comes to mind first.

I used 'Dot' from the Awaken collection and 'Harper' from the Bubbly collection as an accent.
I then used 'Dot' to draw a breast cancer awareness ribbon over 'Harper'. Drawing a ribbon is very easy, think of a figure eight with an open bottom.

This is a simple design that anyone can create to show their support and spread awareness. I hope you'll try it out and do your part to spread awareness. My nail art goal is to complete at lease one pink nail art design a week to help people 'Think Pink'. For those of you that know me well, know that this is a big deal because I am not a fan of the color pink. So, this is going to be a real big challenge for me.  However, I am in favor of saving ta-tas! Thank you for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,


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