Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Smoosh Attack!

Hello Lovelies! Welcome to the middle of the week, I hope you are all having a wonderful week so far.  Reading the title of this post, some of you might be thinking I've lost my mind.  Though I may not be completely sane, the title is intentional.  A smoosh attack is a technique...What?!  It also happens to be this week's Nail Polish Queens Challenge.

I'll be honest, I wasn't too sure about this technique but after looking it over I decided I should give it a try.  This technique and its name originate with @With2L on Instagram.  The technique is relatively easy, and is kind of hard to do wrong.  This is what I came up with...

I initially tried this technique without a base color and decided that it was better to use a base color.  So, I started out this design with 2 coats of Butter London 'Petrol.'

With my base color dry, I started my Smoosh Attack!  In order to do this technique you need two stampers.  I happen to have two that came as a set from, item #15851.

For this technique simply apply your polishes to the stamper.  I tried both swiping and blobbing polishes on the stamper and it didn't really make much of a difference.  With the polishes applied to one of your stampers, use the other stamper to smoosh them together.  Then stamp it onto your finger.  With one smoosh (two stampers) I was able to cover one nail completely.

I used Butter London 'Petrol,' 'Slapper,' and 'Queen Vic' and Smoosh Attacked all my nails!

However, as I was cleaning up my cuticles I decided this looked kind of like paper mache.  This reminded me of an elementary school project I did as a kind to create an underwater shadow box.  So, I ended up hand painting scales in Marc Jacobs 'Stone Jungle' with a small brush on my ring finger.  Like any elementary school project, this nail art wasn't completely without some glitter.  I used Butter London 'Lovely Jubbly' and applied two coats right over the Smoosh Attack.

I think the hardest part of this technique is finding polishes that don't overpower one another but work well together.  I'm really glad I went ahead and tried it, I think this will make a great base technique to put under stamping and other patterns.  Plus, I finally know what to do with the stampers that I don't often use because I'm not very good at stamping.

I hope you found this technique fun and interesting.  Thanks for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,


  1. I love how your mani turned out! wow, the details you add at the end really make for it!
    I haven't had time to do fun nail art this week for the NPQ :( but I will try this technique in the future for sure!
    could I ask where you got the rectangle stampers? was it online?

    1. Thank you Natalia! I bought the stampers from There is a link to the item # above in the article ; )


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