Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Watermarble Decals Revisited

This week's Nail Polish Queens' challenge is watermarble decals.  Of course, I had to do this challenge.  In September of last year I created a tutorial for this easy process based on a You Tube video I had watched, http://polishplebe.blogspot.com/2014/09/water-marble-decals.html.  I honestly, haven't tried it again since then.

I decided to make it a Saint Patty's day color scheme.  I was hoping to make it two shades of green and a gold, but unfortunately my gold polishes weren't playing well.  After a few tries, I decided to just go with a two shade green marble...

I decided to use some of my Lucky Lacquer, because the Irish are infamously known for being lucky.  The two greens I used are 'Mint Daisy' (dark green), and 'Bells of Ireland' which in mind is just perfectly named for the coming holiday.  I typically have a very hard time with watermarble designs because my polish don't always spread well.  These polishes however, spread like butter on warm toast (minus the crumbs).

I was really hoping that this time around I would have some great revelation and be able to share with you the great secret to creating awesome watermarble designs.  Alas, I have nothing new to add to the previous tutorial.  After I made my bulls-eye, I played with various patterns but this flower like design ended up being my favorite.

Once, I was happy with my design I left it to dry.  As I stated in the previous tutorial, and I have heard this from others that have tried it to, picking it up is the hardest part of the process.  I found that if I let the marble dry longer it became a little more ridged which made it easier to pick up without it folding or wrinkling.  This time around I allowed each marble to dry for about 20-30 minutes.  I placed them on paper towels to let the water dry off naturally.  I previously used wax paper because I was afraid the paper towel would stick to the decals.  However, if the polish is dry enough the paper towels work just fine.

The only thing I changed during this application is that I trimmed the decal prior to placing it on my nail.  I did this to make the decal more manageable.  I applied one coat of my lightest color, in this case 'Bells of Ireland.'  I placed the decal while the polish was still wet and attempted to smooth out the design.  I had two problems this time around 1) the decal began wrinkling as soon as it touched the wet polish, and 2) anytime I touched the surface of the decal it instantly ripped.

I found this very discouraging.  I believe that the decal wrinkled so easily during application because they were very thin.  I think the next time I try this if the polishes seem thin I'll create the rings using a couple of drops per ring instead of just one.  As for the rips, I'm not exactly sure how I might have prevented it, but I found it was easily fixed with some polish and a dotting tool.  Notice the bare spot near my free end in picture 5 and then in picture 6 it's covered up.  However, this looks really terrible right?  Well after a little clean up with acetone and a brush as well as a thick application of top coat, this is the end result...

It's not perfect but its better than almost any finger dipped watermarble I've ever done.  The one on my mid finger of this hand turned out pretty well.  This decal happened to be a little thicker than most of the others.  Sadly, the bubbles on my ring finger occurred during the top coat application.  I applied a top coat I had received free as part of a promotion, and I doubt I'll use it again. 

I'm feeling more confident with my watermarbling technique.   I think I may try a finger dipped water marble soon and I'll definetly be using my Lucky Lacquer polishes to create them.  I hope you enjoyed this nail art design, thanks for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,

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