Wednesday, June 3, 2015

80's Style Palm Trees

Hello Lovelies!  It has been so rainy and dreary here, it has been a bit depressing.  Today, is the first day the sun has tried to make an appearance, and according to the forecast its not going to stay long.  I have been planning this palm tree nail art design for a while, so I thought now would be the time to post it, it might encourage the sun to stay a bit longer.  Not to mention, it happens to be this week's NPQ challenge...

Materials I used:
Base coat - INM Ridge Free
Base color - Color Club 'Tiny Umbrella' (on the right)
Stripe color - Color Club 'Bermuda Beaches'
Striping tape
White nail art striper
Top coat - Rica 'Glam Gloss'

I used a pale orange polish for my base color with a top coat.  I actually wore Color Club 'Tiny Umbrella' for a day or so before I actually got around to creating the design.  You can see a little bit of tip wear but I'll be covering up that part before the design is complete.

For most of the palm tree nail art designs I've seen and for the one I created last summer (Happy International Nail Art Day) the background is usually a gradient.  I decided to go with just a very simple horizontal stripe for the background this time.  I used striping tape and outline three stripes (four tapes) a little higher than the center of my nail.  I carefully applied my pink polish within the stripes, so that when the tape is removed there are only three pink stripes.

In a second, attempt to be slightly different I used a white nail art striper, instead of the typically used black and created my palm tree design.  I lined the tip, almost as if capping my free-end with the striper, because this is the horizon I wasn't concerned with it being absolutely perfect.  I then drew in the trunk of the tree, making the base slightly wider than the top and giving the top a bit of a curve.  I then drew in four palm leaf or branches.  Lastly, I filled out the leaves with a little hashing motion extending from the branches.

I repeated this design on all my nails, and then as usual I performed a bit of clean up with acetone and a brush, and applied my favorite top coat.

I'm really glad I did this palm tree design with an 80's twist.  Not that gradient background palm tree designs aren't fantastic, because you know I love gradients.  I'm just really pleased with how these turned out.  Palm trees are great for the summer, or for vacations, or if you wished you were on vacation.

This design and color combo is both subtle yet eye-catching.  Also, it's difficult to see in these pictures but the orange and pink polishes have a slight shimmer to them which really adds to the overall design.

For my fellow plebe's out there this design is a great alternative if you haven't mastered or aren't ready to tackle gradients.  You can use striping tape like I did or you can practice your freehand and do it without any tapes.

Hopefully, this nail art design will encourage the sun to stay a little longer.  I hope you enjoyed this nail art design as much as I am.  Thanks for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,


  1. So lovely :)
    I love the soft colors :)

    1. Thank you! I thought the soft colors would make this a little different from other palm tree nail art designs.


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