Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Braided Nails

Hello Lovelies!  I hope you all had a long and wonderful weekend.  I know I did, the sun finally came out and we did get to enjoy some last minute fireworks.  As some of you may have seen in a couple of posts back, I was very saddened to here that my favorite G+ community, Nail Polish Queens, was shutting down.  However, I am excited to share with you a new community that I think will easily become just as great, Nail Art Nation!  This new G+ community is cofounded by two of the moderators of the NPQ, and many of my fellow Queens have already joined.  I hope you all will check it out, and join up too!

For my first post to NAN, I wanted to try to accomplish many things.  First, I wanted to do something unusual for me, so I choose a color that I do not wear often, purple.  I also wanted to try a design that I have been meaning to since I became involved with nail art, a braided pattern.  Lastly, I wanted to finish up last months Freehand Challenge from Instagram the prompt, monochromatic.  So, I ended up with this purple, monochromatic, braid design...

Materials I used:
INM Ridge Free base coat
Firecracker Lacquer 'Purple Peep-le Eater' (crelly) - from the Indie Mani Bunny Box
I A.M...Custom Color '30 Minute Work Week' (dark purple jelly) - from the Fraggle Rock Collection
Zoya 'Hudson' (medium sparkly purple) - from the Spring Awakening Collection
I A.M...Custom Color 'Diamond Pro' topcoat

At first, I was just going to create a single braided accent nail but then I decided to do a double accent nail instead.  I started off with dark purple on my pinky and thumb, the crelly on my pointer, and my medium purple on my ring and point, these last two being my accent fingers.

To create the braid, it is a simple process of criss-crossing and overlapping colors.  I recommend when doing this design that you choose an odd number of colors, three seems ideal because it is easy to work a pattern and doesn't seem too busy.  Also, try to choose colors that a thin in consistency and opaque in color to avoid having thick heavy layers.  It can be very challenging to find polishes that work best for this design, in fact, the polishes I chose weren't perfect, but I made due.

After applying your base color, use your secondary color and create a strip at an angle.  Then with the third color, create a stripe at about the same angle but in the opposite direction of your first, crossing over the first stripe, creating and almost x-like shape.  Follow with your primary (base) color and create a stripe parallel to your first, and overlapping the second stripe.  Continue criss-crossing colors till you reach the end of your nail.  I recommend giving a few seconds to dry between stripes so as not to bleed or drag previous layers.

Perform any clean up necessary, and apply your favorite topcoat.

I love this pattern, but I'm uncertain of the purple.  Of course, I am always uncertain about purple, that is probably why I wear it so rarely.  I think I would like to try this pattern again but maybe with some complimentary colors, or something bright instead.  Either way I'm glad I tried it.  Its always nice to try new things even if it is outside your comfort zone.

This is design is also great because it doesn't require any tools, this is perfect if you like to do nail art while your traveling and don't have proper supplies or if you just don't have many tools.  I hope you enjoyed this design, and I hope to see you around the Nail Art Nation.  Thanks for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,

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