Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Inspired by a Midsummer Night's Dream

Hello Lovelies!  Today, I have a stamping nail art design inspired by Shakespeare's 'Midsummer Night's Dream.'  Though in large part the story takes place in a forest, I always think of a rose garden when I hear this title.  So, I created a wild rose garden seen on my nails...

Materials I used:
INM Ridge Free basecoat
Revlon 'Metallic' - used as an undie
Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer 'Bound to the City Life - base color
Mundo de Unas - 'Neon Green,' 'Neon Pink,' & 'Pastel Pink' - stamping
China Glaze 'Seeing Red' & 'Seduce Me - stamping
Pueen image plate 4 & 15
Fabur Nails stamper and scraper
Beauty Plus Salon glossy topcoat

I used a silver metallic basecoat as an undie...

I placed one coat of my teal blue jelly polish, from Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer.  Using the silver undie, helps to bring out the shimmer and brighten the teal slightly.  My goal was to use a dark yet bright background to create a night time garden scene.

I then began my stamping layers, first using a leaf/vine image from Pueen image plate 15 (image on left side of plate in the picture) along with Mundo de Unas 'Neon Green' on all my fingers.

Then using a couple of polishes from China Glaze along with a couple of stamping polishes from Mundo de Unas, I stamped rose images randomly across all my nails.  I stamped two to three rose images on each finger, in no particular color pattern.  The rose image is a singular rose image from Pueen plate 4 (rose image on the bottom right side of the image plate picture).

When I was satisfied with design, I performed a bit of cleanup with acetone and a brush, and applied my glossy topcoat.

This nail art design is slightly unconventional for me.  I don't often wear darker colors and I haven't done a great deal of stamping.  Typically, I would consider this to be a very busy nail art design, but I feel the combination of bright and dark colors helps to tone down the busyness.  All in all, I like this nail art design way more than I thought I would.

The only thing I wished I could change about this, is that I wish I had an image of a fairy to incorporate into the design, since they are a significant part 'Midsummer Night's Dream.'  However, I can easily image little fairies hiding behind the roses, can't you?

I actually created these for Nail Art Nation's weekly prompt, however, I was a day late in submitting them (as usual).  I'll be happy to share them as a nail of the day post though, because they are (in my opinion) too pretty not to share.  I hope you all enjoyed this nail art design just as much as me.  Thanks for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,


  1. I love love love it!!! Great idea adding the silver under BTTCL! It brightens it up significantly!

    1. Thank you! I was going for a moonlight feel, and I think this worked perfect!


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