Friday, July 17, 2015

Gothic Gala Lacquers Victorian Era Collection

Hello Lovelies!  Today, I will be sharing with you one of the most gorgeous collections I've seen in a while, Gothic Gala Lacquer's Victorian Era Collection.  If you have been reading this blog for a while you know that I made a nail goal to explore the indie polish world more thoroughly this year.  Through this adventure, I discovered Gothic Gala Lacquers in an indie collaboration box earlier this year, and I have quickly fallen in love with their lacquers.  However, I am also trying to be more frugal and trying to purchase only polishes that I am absolutely head over heels about.  When Samantha offered an another amazing sale on Fourth of July, I just had to purchase this collection, and I'm so glad I did!

Before I get into my swatches and review, please be aware that the information and opinions expressed are my own and are not solicited in anyway.  All swatches are photographed indoors under daylight lamps, and are edited only to show the colors as true as my eyes can make them out to be.  Also, for all swatches I used Yellow Stopper base coat and a generic glossy topcoat.

Without further adieu, I give you Gothic Gala's Victorian Era Collection...

Cupid's Kettle Drums

If you follow my IG account at all you know that I was wearing this earlier this week.  I have always claimed that pinks were my least favorite color, however, I have to amend that statement because pink really compliments my skin tone.  So, even if I don't like pink, it seems to like me.

This soft pink is really pretty with red undertones, and a gold holo shimmer.  This color is just so elegant and classy.  It is soft and subtle but still very eye-catching.  Swatched here in two coats.

Gas Pipes

Okay, to be honest I was a little put off by this color before I applied it.  In the bottle it appears to be this weird greenish-grey, greyish-green color.  Once, I applied it though I was pleasantly surprised to see it is more of a sea glass yellowy green shade that has little reflective flakies along with a little bit of rainbow holo glitters in it.  It is really quite pretty!  This was the thinnest polish of the set, and was the only one I swatched with three thin coats.  I probably could have gotten away with two coats if I had applied it slightly thicker.


I have no idea what a Gigglemug is, or might have been during the Victorian Era.  But I do know I love, love, love this color!  Of course, its my favorite color, blue!  Even if you are not a fan of blue, how can you not love this lacquer.  It is a soft light to medium blue with deeper blue/purple tones and a beautiful silver holo shimmer.  Excuse me for a moment while I wipe the drool from my chin (I should probably wear a bib when I'm swatching gorgeous polishes, such as these).  This was perfectly opaque in two thin coats.

Bit o' Jam

This shade is so nice!  It is a soft purple that leans toward the burple family.  It too has a beautiful silvery blue holo shimmer.  Let's face it, who doesn't love holo (if your a holo hater, I suggest staying quiet, unless you want to get virtually stoned to death by all the holo lovers out there, just a bit of friendly advice).  This is shown in two thin coats.

Tight as a Boiled Owl

First off, I think the name of this polish is absolutely hilarious, thank you for the laugh, Samantha.  Secondly, I couldn't do this polish true justice in the pictures.  This is one of the most unique polishes I think I've ever seen.  It is a brown coppery golden metallic polish with rainbow holo micro glitter.  Some might not think of this as a "pretty" polish, but it really is quit gorgeous because of the unique combination of facets.

I am a Steampunk cosplayer, whenever I get the opportunity, and this will go great with many of my costumes.  I have been having a very difficult time finding just the right polish that will work with my outfits and accessories.  This polish has everything I need and in just the right color, so I am very excited about this shade.

This was easily opaque in just two thin coats.  The only recommendation I would make, is that if you have heavily ridged nails like myself use a ridge filler base coat.  The metallic nature of this polish shows nail bed imperfections.  This is not a problem with the polish, in fact this is very common for metallic polishes.  Hence, the reason ridge filler base coats exists.  Though I didn't use it for this swatch, I am currently using (on a regular basis)  INM Ridge Free for my ridge filler base coat.

Dash My Wig

This polish is perfectly named, because it is a light-medium silver grey pepper with black micro pieces, finished off with a lovely holo shimmer.  The title is entertaining, and the polish is beautiful.  This is another that will be accompanying Tight as a Boiled Owl into my Steampunk wardrobe because of its metal-esque appearance.  Swatched here in only two coats of perfection, I would also recommend a ridge filler base coat under this.

Final Thoughts

I am so happy I purchased this collection!  This is truly a unique collection, that is diverse, interesting, soft and feminine but still so unique.  With the polish industry so focused on neons right now, it is really nice to see something else for a change.  This collection is great for someone look for something different.  I also feel that the softer colors are good for a work environment or for those environments that don't allow overpowering polishes. 

All in all, this collection is a great addition to my vast polish stash.  The application of each was smooth and clean, the finishes are gorgeous, and the colors are unique and interesting.  I hope you enjoyed these beautiful swatches and found the reviews useful.  Thanks for stopping by, see you next time.

  Your Fellow Plebe,


  1. Did you get Steampunked by Loaded Lacquer? Awesomest glitter topper evah. I put it over a CG dark gray holo, but I bet it would look awesome over Dash My Wig or Tight As a Boiled Owl.....I may be swatching tonight, lol .......

    1. I just checked that out Leslie! I've never heard of it before now. I think it would make a nice addition to my collection ; )


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