Monday, February 13, 2017

The First Step

Hello All!  This post comes with many mixed emotions.  I am pumped to get going on this path to a better me, I am excited to encourage others to follow me, but I am also nervous about the bumps in the road, and I'm terrified of what others might think of me.  However, I can't focus on the negative, I need to stay positive, otherwise I'll never find success on this fitness journey.

Just a bit of background on what I have been doing to be fit so far.  For the last couple months I've been tracking my calories on my FitBit at a level to maintain my weight, and I've been working out about three or more times a week.  I've been using a home fitness program called the Firm Express, and on some days I hop on the treadmill for 20 minutes or so.  About a month and a half in and I'm already getting bored and I'm not seeing any results.

Unfortunately, living in the Northeast the weather isn't conducive to being active outdoors, unless you like snowboarding and freezing your buns off.  Though I am looking to rid myself of my buns, this is not quite the manner I was planning on doing it.  With two little ones in tow, who have two very different, and time consuming schedules going to the gym isn't feasible either.

I'm super excited because I have just opened a membership to Beachbody On Demand (click this link to find out more about Team Beachbody).  I was introduced to this program by my kid sister, Michelle, who has been a coach for a bit now.  She has been seeing amazing results, and has really changed her lifestyle for the better.  The big reason I signed on is because the all access pass gives me access to all their programs.  This means I should never get bored with the workout programs, because there are so many to choose from.  Not only that but I can workout at home, when I have time.  I don't have to worry about gym class schedules or settling for a workout I don't want to do. Not to mention they are having a special on their annual membership till the end of the month (click this link for Membership Options).

Though I intend to follow the workout program, I do not intend to follow the meal plan rigorously.  I know many that use this plan, stick to the Shakeology and container program but right now it doesn't work for me or my family's lifestyle. I have considered that this will slow my progress, but its all about making changes I can sustain.  However, I do intend to monitor my caloric intake and cut back to a weight lose intake versus the maintaining intake I have been targeting.

After reviewing some of the programs available through Beachbody on Demand, I've decided to start of with a fun low impact program, Country Heat.  I know many people rave about this program, saying its so much fun you don't even feel like you are working out, so hopefully I'll enjoy it.  The only negative part of this program for me is that I have no love for country music.  So, I hope that the music doesn't hinder me from getting the full benefit of the workout.  I know it might seem strange to hear that as a problem, but for me music is a great workout motivator.  If the music doesn't move me mentally it also doesn't move me physically.

Image Source:

Alright, here is the really hard part of this post.  The first weigh in and measurement.

Weight - 150lbs

Left Arm - 11 5/8"
Right Arm - 10 3/4"
Chest - 35 3/4"
Waist - 38"
Hips - 43 1/4"
Left Thigh - 24 3/4"
Right Thigh - 24 3/4"

Total Measurements  - 188 7/8"

In order to make long lasting changes, I have decided to focus on three things each week.  For this week I've decided to focus on:
  • Being active and sticking to the workout calendar.
  • Not exceeding 1200 calorie intake a day, and not eating less than 1000 calories a day. Sadly, sometimes I fail to eat.
  • Drinking approximately 75 ounces of water a day.  I am terrible at drinking water, I sometimes go days without anything but coffee. I have a feeling this will be my hardest goal to accomplish this week.
This is the beginning of an all new me, I'm ready to get moving!  How about you?  I'll report in next Monday, with a look back on this week and updated stats.  You can follow me on my Facebook page, feel free to find this post on my page and share your weekly stats too.  You can also keep track of me on Instagram, @Me_Crystal_B, were I post random things throughout the week.  I hope to see you soon.

Just Me,

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