Friday, February 3, 2017

What's Up with Polish Plebe

Hello Lovelies!  I know it has been FOREVER since I've last posted, but I am alive and well.  Life in general has been keeping me very busy.  Quit simply I have just had no time for nails, my nails are in a horrendous state.  However, I miss blogging and I miss all of you, so I'm hoping to get back into posting very soon.

Being that I don't have much time for nails or nail art currently, I am considering expanding this blog to other horizons and interests in my life.  I feel like I have so much more I could share.  Which may or may not include my new obsession with LuLa Roe, my fitness journey, crafts, lifestyle, kid's stuff, my random thoughts, and sporadic adventures, in addition to the occasional nail post.  What do you think? Would these be things you would be interested in reading about? Is there anything I listed that you truly detest? Or is there something I didn't list that you would find interesting?

I want to create the best blog I possibly can, so please give me your input.  Thanks for stopping by, I hope to post something new very soon.

Your Fellow Plebe,


  1. I think of the the things that you listed would be great for you to talk about!

    1. Thank you! I will be gradually implementing changes and adding new topics. I hope you enjoy all the new things that will be happening :)


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