Monday, February 27, 2017

Week 2 Recap and Self Evaluation

Hello all!  I can't believe that I'm already two weeks in to my serious fitness journey, healthy lifestyle changes!  This week was a pretty normal week in general, no holidays, birthdays, or major events to contend with.  I discovered having an uneventful week can have just as many pros and cons as an eventful one.  For week one, I had a lot of unhealthy food options tempting me, but I was so busy I was constantly on the move.  For week two, I didn't have so many unhealthy food temptations, but I wasn't as active as I was during week one.

Per my FitBit's weekly report, I had a decrease in many things including total steps for the week, overall miles, avg. daily calorie burn, and total active time.  However, I'm making progress and seeing results, so right now I'm not overly concerned at this time.  Per the weekly report I did have more restful sleep, saw a decrease in my resting hear rate, and I experienced some weight loss (which I'll elaborate on later).

Goal #1 - Hydration

Staying hydrated has been a real struggle for me, for as long as I can remember.  I did do better this week but still didn't reach my goal of 75 fl. oz. of water a day.  However, I did manage to meet and exceed on a few days and came pretty close on most days.  As you can see from the report below, I was significantly under my target intake on Sunday.  This was semi-intentional.  As many of you know I am a recreational pilot, and on Sunday I did some flying.  When I fly, I typically don't drink several hours before being airborne, quite simply because my little plane doesn't have a restroom on board.  I should have planned better and hydrated more earlier, and remember to hydrate extra after the flight.  I also noticed that the days that I had a cup of coffee in the morning were the days that I under-hydrated.  Apparently proper hydration is something I still need to work on.

Goal #2 - Avoid Carbs and Processed Sugars

I may not have elaborated on this well enough on my last post, but for this past week it was my goal to back off on unnecessary carbs, and to avoid sugary sweets.  I'm a big lover of carbs and sweets, so this is a bit tough for me.  I did well in the carb department, I cut out my morning slice of toast and substituted flour tortillas to make wraps instead of sandwiches with bread.  Though I ate less sweets than normal, I still did have the occasional piece of chocolate.  I did count every piece I ate in my calorie budget and I did well not to go over my allotted caloric intake.

Goal #3 - Fruits and Veggies

I love veggies, I could eat them all day long but I hate preparing them.  I was able to make salads on a regular basis, so that made eating more veggies pretty easy.  Fruits on the other hand are just difficult for me.  Even though I like sweets, fruits just don't "do it" for me.  I did force myself to eat a few apples throughout the week, and I used banana to make protein pancakes, and I even had a couple of oranges.  I know I'm still on the low end of the daily recommended values, but I'm happy that I ate some fruit (probably more than I've eaten in months).

I am really enjoying Country Heat, its really fun and I work up a good sweat.  I was initially having some minor trouble with the friction of my sneakers on the rug, but I have since been using a laptop (the great part about Beachbody on Demand, you can stream it to any device, even your phone as long as you have internet access) in an area where I have wooden floors, so I no longer have that problem.

Even though I was not as active this week as I was last week, I managed my caloric intake much better.  This resulted in me seeing more progress in weight loss this week than I did last week.  I started this week off at 148 lbs and yesterday I weighed in at 143.8 lbs.  This morning I weighed in even less but we'll save that for next weeks report.  That's a four pound weight loss this week and a six pound weight loss since I've started.  Already some of my clothes are starting to feel too loose!  I still have a long way to go but I am so pleased with the changes that I've made and the progress so far.

Goal #1 - Hydration

I am still not happy with what my intake has been, so I'm going to continue to focus on this.  I have a plan on how I might fix this problem.  If I'm successful with it, I will let you know in next week's report.

Goal #2 - Stay Active Throughout the Day

This last week I found myself being inactive for long stretches throughout the day.  I'm hoping to change that this week.  In addition to workout, I'm hoping to incorporate outdoor walks and dance sessions with the kiddos to help keep me moving throughout the day.

Goal #3 - Stretch More

This may seem like an odd or unnecessary goal, but for me it is a very necessary goal.  Throughout both of my pregnancies and since, I have had problems with my hips.  Bad enough that I had to do several months of physical therapy.  From the pregnancies and from being over weight I have put unnecessary stress on my hip flexors.  Now that I am working out more, I'm beginning to feel just a twing of discomfort toward the end of the week (the rest day really seems to help).  I'm sure that if I incorporate a daily stretch regiment to the mix, this will alleviate my discomfort.
I am really looking forward to moving on, I've already done my first routine for week three.  That means I'm already past the halfway point of this program.  I'm having so much fun, and I'm feeling so much better already.  I hope you find my journey inspiring, and if you are this journey with me I hope you find your success.  See you soon.

Just Me,

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