Monday, April 3, 2017

Week 7 Recap and Evaluation

Hello all! Week 7 of my fitness journey was Week #2 of 21 Day Fix for me.  I started out the week great!  I did do my workouts everyday, but I had a minor hiccup at the end of the week.  I made the last minute decision to head up North to visit my family for the weekend.  Though this usually isn't a big deal, I changed things up suddenly for myself and I had a day that it seemed the whole world was against me.

Thursday afternoon was when I decided to go away for the weekend, I rushed through the day to try to get as many things done as possible so that I could workout and have a more casual Friday morning before hitting the road.  So, after staying up later than I should have, I woke up extra early on Friday to workout first thing.  Normally, I workout late morning or afternoon time when my kiddos are napping.  Of course, of all mornings, the Beachbody on Demand site was going through some behind the scene changes that was screwing up the whole system.  I spent over an hour, freaking out, texting, and asking for help from customer support as well as a Facebook support group, then it suddenly started working.  Just in time for the baby to wake up and soon after my daughter.  After getting the kids settled with some breakfast, I finally hit play.

I pushed myself 20 minutes into my workout, before I started feeling light headed and nausea.  I ended up stopping the workout all together.  Between being stressed out, under hydrated, and under fueled (I hadn't eaten breakfast), than pushing myself physical, I made myself sick.  This is the first time since I've started this journey that I have given up in the middle of a workout, and the first time I've felt sick like this in a long time.  Overall, I was very disappointed with myself and a little discouraged.  But after taking sometime to think about it, and discuss it with my Beachbody coach (aka my sister, Chelly), I decided not to beat myself up too hard.  Instead, I learned that I need to plan better, and when I'm not able to, I need to focus more on preparing myself and not pushing too hard.  I also need to be okay with something being out of my control and not punishing myself for things that are truly not my fault.  

Goal #1 - No modifications

I really wanted to push myself this week without overdoing it.  But based on what I experienced through the first week, I knew I wasn't ready for some of the upgraded workouts.  I decided to spend the week working on not modifying the moves in the standard workouts.  Other than my hiccup on Friday, I did better than I expected.  There was still some moves that I had to modify, but not as many as previously.  I also found that by the end of the week I was able to use heavier weights than I did during week 1.

Goal #2 - Eat More Fruit

Again, I did well with this during the beginning of the week.  I did well with my nutrition overall during the first half of the week, but once I headed North I kind of threw it all out the window.  I didn't eat balanced and I ate a few things that I probably shouldn't have.  I did get to try my first Shakeology shake though.  My sister made me a Cookies n' Cream shake, it was delicious and filling.  Though I haven't committed to supplementing my diet with Shakeology I am beginning to consider it...maybe.

Goal #3 - Hydration Still!!!!!

I still haven't figured out why this is a real problem for me, but I spent the week really focusing on hydration and pushing myself to drink even when I didn't want to.  I also had a water buddy, Vicki, help remind me and challenge me to drink more.  This was extremely helpful and I managed to drink more this week than I have in most weeks.  In fact, I drank 90 fl ozs. on Saturday!

Screenshot of FitBit app on my iPhone 7

Even though I experienced a minor set back this week, I'm very proud of myself for evaluating the situation and using it as a learning experience instead of a personal punching bag session.  Many times in my life I have been disappointed with myself or discouraged by a situation and let it get the better of me.  I'm done with making myself feel bad, and using it as an excuse to give up.  In fact, I'm more proud of that than anything else I've done since I've started this process.  I didn't make any weight or fat loss progress this week, most likely due to my poor nutrition over the weekend but I'm not going to let that stop me from being proud of my other positive developments.  I've got one week left and I'm going to push hard!


These are the things that I would like to focus on this week.

Goal #1 - Double workouts!!!!

What?!  That's right, I intend to do double workouts per the week 3 21 Day Fix calendar.  I actually already did both my workouts this morning and because they're only 30 minutes each, its not so time consuming.  However, it is physically exhausting.  I'm going to try to do this everyday during the week.  I won't be doing it over the weekend though because on Saturday I will be joining my sister for Super Saturday!  Super Saturday is a Beachbody seminar and live workout.  I am so excited and can't wait to go, I never thought I would be excited about going to a workout.

Calendar from

Goal #2 - Try a new recipe or type of food

I would say besides hydration, nutrition is my number one problem.  I like to eat, and I get bored easily.  This week I want to change things up a bit, and try some things I haven't before.  Maybe a smoothie (not Shakeology) for lunch or maybe a quiche.  Beachbody on Demand actually has a cooking channel called Fixate and I think it's time I try it.  Not to mention, Pinterest has a billion ideas too.  Maybe, I can find a more interesting way to incorporate some fruit in my diet.

Screenshot of Fixate taken from my iPhone 7

Goal #3 - Better sleep schedule

All in all, I've been really bad about keeping myself on a reasonable schedule.  This may sound silly but even grown adults need rest too.  Especially, when we workout.  I have been going to bed really late (really for no reason) and than trying to get up early.  My ultimate goal is to try to do my workouts first thing, to help better organize my life and so that I don't have any excuses not to do them.  But first I want to work on going to bed at a reasonable time, and getting up at a consistent time in the morning.

I can't believe I'm already on my last week of 21 Day Fix, it is amazing how quickly three weeks goes by!  I'll be sharing results, and my next program pick with you next week.  I'll be rolling from 21 Day Fix right into my next program.  Come by next week to hear about Super Saturday, my next program, and to see my 21 Day Fix results.   Thank you all for sharing this journey with me, whether you are just cheering me on, or sweating right along side of me, I really appreciate your support.  See you next week.

Just Me,

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