Friday, September 12, 2014

Hand-Painted Simple Lattice Lace V-Tip Design

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you are all having a fantastic week and have wonderful plans for this weekend.  I have been having one of those weeks were time just keeps escaping.  I had so many nail art projects I wanted to complete but just haven't been able to find the time.  I originally planned to have this design done earlier in the week for Nail Polish Queens' "Lace Challenge."  Sadly, I did not get it done on time, however, I really wanted to do it anyway.

I also decided to make this my post for Blogger Braggers Weekly Challenge, "Favorite Color."  This is probably the hardest challenge for me because I have a hard time picking just one favorite color, and to narrow that down to just one polish, forget about it.  I would have to say the shades that attract me the most are blues, blue-greens, teals, and mint colors.  I decided to showcase one of my favorite polish shades China Glazes 'Keep Calm, Paint On'.  Not only do I love the color of this soft minty green, but the name is fun too.  It also has just a little shimmer to it, which you unfortunately can not see in my pictures.  Here is how I created this design...

Base and top coat
Soft pink or nude
Color polish
White polish (you could use a nail art striper or acrylic paint if you prefer)
Thin brush
Dotting Tool
Gems (Optional)

I started off with one coat of Sinful Colors 'Glass Pink' on most of my fingers.  This is a very pretty soft pink with lots of iridescent shimmer and it is slightly translucent.  For my ring finger and thumb I applied two coats of China Glaze 'Keep Calm, Paint On'.

I then painted a v-shaped french tip on my pink fingers.  You could tape this if you'd like, I didn't because I really wanted to practice my freehand.  To make it a little easier, I started with three points to guide me.  I then drew a line, in my colored polish using a thin brush, between the points to create a V.  I then painted in the tip of my nail below the V-line.

Once the tip was completed I started my lace design.  I primarily used white polish from a nail art striper but I used a thinner small brush I had instead of the stripping applicator in the bottle.  I started by outlining the top of the V-shape with the white.  I then drew a lattice pattern on the tip using the V-shape as a guide.  I then drew small semi-circles along the edge of the white on the top of the V-shape.  I then used the smallest dotting tool I could find and placed a dot at the top of each semi-circle loop.  To give a little something extra I applied a small (1.5mm I think) gem at the point of the V.

For my ring finger and my thumb, I simply drew a criss-crossing lattice pattern and added a few small gems.

I think this is the daintiest and girliest design I have ever done.  I really like the soft color palette, it makes it perfect for a wedding, baby shower, girls birthday party, or just something dressy to wear.  I also liked that I got to practice my free-hand but I think I need a bit more.

I hope you enjoyed this nail art design and tutorial.  If you did like this or any of my previous post please like/follow me.  You can do so by clicking the 'Join this Site' Icon on the top right hand side of the screen or through Google+BloglovinFacebookInstagram, and/or Pinterest.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, thank you for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,


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