Monday, September 1, 2014

Ikat Tips

This weeks Nail Polish Queens challenge was to create Ikat nail art designs. I have seen this nail art designs before but never knew what it was called. This is my first attempt at an Ikat design.

Base and top coat
2‐3 colors of polish
White and or black acrylic paint or polish
Brushes and/or toothpick

I started this design by applying a clean 2 coats of Nabi 'Teal II'.

I then used white acrylic paint and painted triangle‐ish shapes on the tips of my nails. These shapes do not need to be crisp clean or uniform.  Ikat design are generally misshapen and vary slightly from one piece to another.

I then used China Glaze's 'Passion for Petals' and drew triangles inside the white triangles. Leaving enough space that the white to show.

I then used a toothpick and black acrylic paint to create little hash marks along the edge of each triangle and to create a little black triangle in the middle of the pink triangle.   Some prefer to use a brush for this portion of the design but I didn't have a brush thin enough to create the desired look, that is why I used a toothpick.  Like always add your favorite top coat and there you have an Ikat design.

This is a great nail art design for beginners because it doesn't require perfection to look good, so please try it out.  I hope you enjoyed this nail art design. Thanks for stopping by, see you all next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,


  1. Cool! I did not have time for the challenge mani of this week, but I enjoy looking at other's! You did an excelent job Crystal

    1. Thank you Natalia! It can be hard to create the weekly challenge but I make an extra effort to get it done if its a design I've never tried before.


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