Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sugar Spun Chocolate Covered Strawberry Nail Art Design

For this week's #whatruwearingwed manicure I decided to complete this week's Nail Polish Queen's Weekly Challenge to create sugar spun nails.  I have seen this design technique many times but have never tried it simply because it doesn't really appeal to me and it looks rather messy.  However, I decided I should give it a try so that I can determine how easy/hard, and/or messy it is to see if I could come up with any tips to help out my fellow Plebes that might be interested in this nail art design.

Every sugar spun design that I've seen reminds me of fancy chocolates and various chocolate covered fruits.  So, I decided to kick this challenge up a small notch and create 'Sugar Spun Chocolate Covered Strawberry Nails.'

Base coat
Red polish
Green polish (nail art stripper or a thin brush for application)
Black polish
Brown polish
Off white, pink, or light brown polish for sugar spinning
Flat work surface (like a piece of thick paper or cardboard)

I started out with one clean coat of China Glaze's 'Seeing Red' (one of my new polishes from 'The Giver' collection, swatches and review coming soon).

Then using a green nail art striper I created a leafy top along the smile line (aka cuticle) of my nail .

With black polish and a toothpick a made some strawberry seeds.  I did not place seeds all the way to the tip of my nail because the tip will be covered.  (If you decided not to cover your strawberries in chocolate place seeds all the way down to the tip of the nail.)

At this point we are going to start covering your strawberries in chocolate.  I recommend that if you are going to do the sugar spun design that you go ahead and take the polishes that you are going to spin and drop them on to a flat (non permeable, you don't want the polish to leak through) surface and set them aside to let dry to a tacky state, sorry but I don't have a picture of this.

Covering the strawberries with chocolate is a lot like creating ice cream nails (click this link to see ice cream nail art design).  Start with a brown polish and a medium size dotting tool to create a drip line.  Then fill in the nail from drip line to tip with the same polish.  For my brown polish I used Color Club's 'Fondue for Two' from the Paris in Love collection.

I also went ahead and applied a top coat at this point.  From what I have read the sugar spun design typically does not get a top coat because it has a tendency to bleed and take away from the textured affect.  However, I wanted some kind of top coat to protect the majority of the design.

Now it is time to get messy, and sadly it is true that this part is messy.  Hopefully, by this time the polish that you set aside a little bit ago is now thick enough that when you put a toothpick into it that it is stringy.  In other words you can pull strings of polish out with the toothpick.

Using your gooey nail polish and a toothpick, simply pull up strands and pull them across your nail.  Repeat this process until you reached the desired look and coverage that you'd like.  That's really all there is to it.  For my sugar spinning I used Color Club's 'Je T'Aime' and 'Macaroon Swoon' in addition to 'Fondue for Two' all from the Paris in Love collection.

Sugar spinning is not really all that difficult.  The only pointers I can offer to make this experience a little easier, is make sure that you give the polish enough time to get thick.  On my first try the polish was not thick enough and it took me many try to get the strings to pull up enough to go all they way across the nail.  You can stir your polish with the toothpick to speed up the thickening time. Make sure you use a flat working surface so that you can get your finger really close to your puddle, even when the strings pull nicely they don't pull very far.  I also found that if I pulled the strings slowly I could get them to go farther.  Other, than that just have a messy fun time with it, you really can't do this technique wrong.

I'm curious how many of you out there have tried sugar spun nails before?  Did you like it?  Have you done it again or will you do it again?  For those of you who haven't tried it, do you think you ever will?

I hope you enjoyed my #whatruwearingwed manicure, I'd love to see what you are (or are not) wearing today.  Head over to my Facebook page and post your pictures there with a description, or post your pictures on Instagram with the previously mention hashtag and tag @polish_plebe in the comments.  Be sure to like/follow me while your there, you can also follow me by clicking the 'Join this Site' Icon on the top right hand side of the screen or through Google+Bloglovin, and/or Pinterest.  Thank you for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Eliza, it has been hard not to bit my nails with this design, lol!

  2. Replies
    1. you are welcome ! :) added you on bloglovin, so could easy catch your posting!
      have a nice evening and all the best !

    2. Awesome! I added you on bloglovin too! Have a good evening!


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