Monday, June 20, 2016

Simple Asymmetrical Stripes

Hello Lovelies! I have been drooling over Anchor & Heart Lacquer since they first started out and I finally order a few of Taryn's gorgeous polishes. I order these three beauties: "The Free Spirit," "The Selfless," and "Sweet Love."

I couldn't figure out which one I wanted to wear first so I decided to use all 3 and came up with this simple asymmetrical striped design…

Materials I used (in addition to the polishes named above):
Dream Polish "Smooth Gem" Basecoat
Striping tape
HK Girl topcoat
Small rhinestones

I started with "The Selfless" on my thumb, pointer, and pinkie. I applied "Sweet Love" on my mid and ring finger. Both of these polishes applied beautifully, I ended up applying 3 coats only because I was having problems with my nail ridges. I think if I had applied 2 coats of my basecoat I would have only needed 2 coats of color. So these polishes are easily a 2-3 coater. 

On my 2 mid fingers, the ones with "Sweet Love," I created the asymmetrical stripe design. I painted the tip of the nail with "The Free Spirit." I then applied a layer of quick drying topcoat and allowed it to dry. I then applied striping tape horizontally across the nail, making one side narrower than the other. I filled in the middle section with "The Selfless" and immediately removed the tapes. 

I repeated the process on the adjacent finger but reversed the side where the stripe was narrowed. 

I then performed a little cleanup, applied a layer of topcoat as well as 3 rhinestones at the narrowest side of the stripes. 

I can't tell you how much I love these polishes. My photos don't do them true justice. "The Free Spirit" is a beautiful yellow with a gold irridescent shimmer. "The Selfless" is a lovely soft blue with a pink irridescent shimmer (that my camera just wouldn't photograph). "Sweet Love" is a wonderful nude polish with bits of bronzy golds. 

I like to think of this design as a symbolic representation of an ocean view. "Sweet Love" represents the sandy beach, "The Selfless" is the tranquil waters of the ocean, and "The Free Spirit" is the warm summer sun. 

I am so smitten with these polishes, I am more than certain I'll be purchasing more Anchor & Heart Lacquer in the future. Taryn's polishes are so much more beautiful than my pictures show, you really should see them in person. 

I hope you enjoyed this nail art design and found my mini review of these polishes useful. Thanks for stopping by, see you next time. 

You Fellow Plebe,


  1. Oh those bottles, it's name and mani! Love everything! <3

    1. I love these bottles too, such a great label. Thank you for your kind comment Nailfame!


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