Saturday, October 15, 2016

Orange and Black Mani Swap Circle

Hello Lovelies!  Its time once again for a Mani Swap Circle nail art design.  This time the color scheme is orange and black just in time for Halloween.

This time I had the opportunity to recreate one of the lovely @aaaratednails beautiful nail art designs.  I had a really hard time choosing just one.  At one point I had about 15 that I wanted to recreate but I narrowed it down to just this one.  I choose it primarily because it involved gradients which we all know I love.   

Materials I used:
Base coat - IAMCCC  "Cement" 
Orange polish - IAMCCC "Yahoo Y2K"
Makeup Sponge
Straight vinyls or striping tape

I started off with my favorite sticky base coat, to protect my nails and create a longer lasting mani.  I also protected my skin with my favorite liquid latex which smells like lavender, by the way!

To recreate @aaaratednails reverse gradient design, I started with a vertical gradient.  Instead of sponging layer upon layer, I first painted one half of my nail orange and the other black.  Than using a makeup sponge, I dabbed the gradient to blend the colors.  This pre-painting method is ideal when working with darker colors. I did apply a quick drying topcoat at this point. 

For part two of this nail art design, you have to reverse the gradient.  Once dry, I applied straight vinyls horizontally across my nail.  I than dabbed the same colors but in a reverse order.  I apologize but I forgot to take still pictures of these steps. (I will be posting a quick video on Instagram later.)

When I was happy with the blend, I removed the vinyls and the latex, performed a tiny bit of clean up with gentle acetone and a brush.  I, of course, topped it all off with one of my favorite scented topcoats from Together WE Impact.

I loved this design so much that I sacrificed sleep and did it on both hands for a change.  Its so sad when you have to choose between a good nights rest and a complete mani :(  I did, however, wear this mani for about 4 days which is a record for me as of late.

I highly recommend you go checkout @aaaratednails on Instagram for more beautiful nail art designs. Also if you are interested in joining in on all future Mani Swap Circles follow @natasha_dauncey or @glacewing.  There is a link in their bios to sign up for the next swap, please be sure to read all the rules, and only apply if you can truly commit.  

While you're over on Instagram, be sure to follow me @polish_plebe, and like my most recent nail art designs and swatches.  I post more frequently there in general, plus I will be posting a video tutorial of this mani later today.  Oh, and what do you think of my new nail shape, mini coffins!  I'm not sure if I like them, but maybe they'll grow on me.  I hope you enjoyed this mani swap and found this tutorial useful.  Up next Smooshy Nail Sunday!  Thanks for stopping by, see you next time.

Your Fellow Plebe,

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