Monday, March 20, 2017

New Program

Hello all! So, last Tuesday I finished Country Heat.  I am so pleased with how far I've come in just 30 days, but I'm not done yet.  This is a journey for me not just another fade diet/workout program.  I gave myself a little break this past week.  Since, I'm starting a new workout program through Beachbody on Demand, I decided to finish out week 5 with some of the Country Heat programs I did not do.  The Elite programs are killer!  I thought the basic Country Heat programs were great because of how worked out I felt afterward.  The Elite programs are even better.  I actually found myself having to do modified steps more often than not.  If you've done Country Heat but not these programs I highly recommend you do.

I also wasn't as strict with my nutrition this past week.  I did calorie count and used the portion fix containers, like I have been but I kind of just floated along.  I pretty much only ate if I was hungry.  I did splurge of the weekend and have pizza and a beer!  But I'm not to upset by any of that because, that's life.  Each day is a new day, that can be made better than the last if you really want it (and I do).  So, now it's on to the next program.

I've decided to start 21 Day Fix, because it has such rave reviews.  Plus, it's only three weeks, so how hard can it be, right? (I say this with complete sarcasm.)  This program is three weeks for seven days a week.  In seriousness though, I expect this to be a tough three weeks.  I intend to really push myself to my limit and really be diligent with both my workouts and my nutrition.

image source: Beachbody on Demand
Even though this program is a rigorous 21 day calendar, I already like that it is something different everyday.  Focusing on different areas of the body.  I also like that the calendar offers and alternative workout from the Ultimate Package (available at no extra charge through Beachbody on Demand) or during week 3 a double up option.

My original plan was to do the basic calendar week 1, the Ultimate upgrade week 2, and double up on week 3.  However, I just completed the first workout and I barely made it through without collapsing in complete exhaustion.  At this point, my plan is to take it one day at a time, do as much as I can and push myself a little harder the next day.

With Country Heat I expected that I would lose weight, (and I did) but I have a different set of expectations for 21 Day Fix.  This program involves targeting specific parts of the body, so I don't expect to lose as much weight.  However, I expect (and hope) to start losing more inches and turn body fat into muscle.

This past week, I killed my scale so I took the opportunity and upgraded to a smart scale, that also measures body fat.  I'm hoping to see my body fat percentage decrease overall by the end of this program.

New program means new starting stats.  Please be kind, I'm showing more skin so that I can see a better comparison.  Also I'm kind of flexing in the back picture so that I can compare my arms before and after too.

Weight - 140 lbs
Body Fat - 32.5%

Left Arm - 10 7/8"
Right Arm - 10 3/4"
Chest - 35 3/4"
Waist - 34 3/4"
Hips - 41 5/8"
Left Thigh - 24 1/4"
Right Thigh - 24 1/8"

Total Measurements  - 182 1/8"

For those of you keeping track, you may have noticed that my waist increased slightly.  I equate this to either a margin of error in measuring or the pizza and beer I enjoyed over the weekend.  Either way its very minimal.

These are my three major focuses for the week:

Goal #1 - Just hit play

Being that this is a seven day a week program, I'm very nervous that I'm going to fall of the wagon.  I know many girls in the support group I'm in, double up when they skip a day, but I really don't want to do this.  Especially after completing the first workout, I'm not sure I could physically survive doubling up these workouts.

Goal #2 - Really focus on using the Portion Fix containers

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been fiddling with and kind of using the Portion Fix containers.  This week I really want to focus on eating the recommended portions.  I have no problem getting in the protein, it's just everything else that I can't seem to get under control.

Goal #3 - Hydration (again)

I know, I know...I just can't seem to keep up on this.  As soon as I slack off even just the slightest, I stop drinking all together.  This past week I took a break from wearing my FitBit and not having the alarms to remind me really, took its toll on my water consumption.  The FitBit is back on and the alarms are set.

I'm really nervous about this new program, but I'm just focusing on one day at a time.  I'll check in with all of you on Monday with a full report.  Thank you so much for supporting me and joining me on this journey.  If you would like to share your weekly goals, accomplishments, and/or transformations with me, please do!  You can share on my Facebook page, a judgement free zone.  Wish me luck on the next three weeks.

Just Me,

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