Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Week 6 Recap and Self Evaluation

Hello all! This past week was so much tougher than I thought it would be.  I wasn't anymore busy than I usually am, in fact, I probably was a little less busy than normal.  I think the lull in daily activity in my life as a mom and wife, may have made me want to be extra lazy in general.  However, I pushed through and I finished Week #1 of 21 Day Fix.  I'm not enjoying 21 Day Fix as much as I did Country Heat, but this is a true workout.

Goal #1 - Just hit play

This was so much harder than I thought it was going to be, this week.  I did manage to hit play and workout everyday, as per the recommended calendar but I was not as enthusiastic or excited as I was when I did Country Heat.  Muscles I didn't even know I had were aching, but I pushed through and did the workouts anyways.  The nice part about following the calendar, is that it is designed to focus on different areas on different days, so that you are not over working one body area.  There are also active recovery days too.  I use to hate yoga, I thought it was pointless but I really needed it by the end of the week and I enjoyed it more than expected.

Goal #2 - Really focus on using the Portion Fix containers

I continued to use the Portion Fix containers and calorie counting, but I emphasized eating all of (or at least most of) the recommended portions of each food group.  My biggest problem area is fruit, I have a really hard time eating the daily recommended value.  I just don't enjoy eating fruit, it's too sweet, too tart, or just a pain to eat.  However, when I followed the container system, I was often consuming approximately 700-1200 calories.  The only day I went over on calories was the day I went out to eat with my family.  I was surprised because I never found myself hungry.  Often times, I was struggling to eat enough each day.  I don't want to starve my body, the nutrients it needs for me to make the progress I want.

Goal #3 - Hydration (again)

I feel I really failed with this, this week.  I don't know why but I'm having a really hard time drinking enough.  Even with my alarms and always having my water bottle by my side.  I think I may have to try some kind of flavor or additive, to help me drink more.

I'm personally feeling blah about this past week.  I'm proud that I hit play everyday, and that I ate relatively healthy.  I'm disappointed that I slacked off on my water consumption, and that I lacked enthusiasm.  However, I'm physically feeling wonderful!  Like I said previously, muscles I didn't even know I had were aching. Though I did not see much in the weight-loss department, only about 2 lbs, which is exactly what I expected, I feel firmer and things that used to jiggle a lot are jiggling just a little less.  I also saw the very beginnings of fat loss on my new scale.  I started the week with a body fat % of 32.5% and ended with 32.2%.  This is not something I expect to see a rapid change with but it is exciting nonetheless to see that body fat % number start to decrease.


These are the things that I would like to focus on this week.

Goal #1 - No modifications

My original plan stepping into this program was to increase the intensity of the program each week by doing the Ultimate program options on week two and doubling up on week three.  After, doing the first full week, I realized that I am not as strong as I thought I was.  Many days, during many of the moves I had to do modifications more often than not.  So, instead of increasing the intensity by doing the more advance workouts.  I'm going to stick with the original 21 Day Fix calendar, and try to modify the moves as little as possible.  I'm hoping that by next week I'll feel strong enough and motivated enough to double up the workouts.

Goal #2 - Eat More Fruit

This is going to be such a challenge, because there are not many fruits I like or can even tolerate.  But I'm going to try my darnedest to eat what I need to.  Luckily, bananas are a fruit I can tolerate and even kind of like.  One banana accounts for the daily recommended fruit serving per the Portion Fix container system.  Plus I love my banana protein pancakes, so if that's what I need to do, so be it.

Goal #3 - Hydration Still!!!!!

I'm beginning to get really frustrated about hydration.  I'm going to try to find a water bottle with a straw.  I have a tendency to drink more, more quickly when I drink from a straw.  I'm also going to try some flavoring, such as Mio or something along those lines to help with my desire to drink water.

I'll admit I'm not as amped about this program or the next couple of weeks, but I am determined.  Fitness is not always fun, but I'm determined to keep working at it, to be the person I really want to be.  To show my children that anything is obtainable, if you want it bad enough, that is one of the many reasons I started this journey.  Thank you all for sharing this journey with me, whether you are just cheering me on, or sweating right along side of me, I really appreciate your support.  See you next week.

Just Me,

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