Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Dry Marble Vertical Stripes

Hi Lovelies! This week's Nail Art Nation prompt is Dry Marble. To be honest, I am very intimidated by this technique. I have failed at it several times in the past, and am probably more comfortable with actual watermarble (which I'm no good at, at all). After many attempts I came up with something I thought was presentable:

Polishes and tools;
Base coat: IACCC "Cement"
Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "White On"
Sweet & Sour Lacquer "¡Ay Caramba!" & "Hey-Diddlly-Ho!"
Medium brush
Uber Mat
Topcoat: Glisten & Glow "HK Girl"

Originally, I tried doing a drag on my nails. After many failed attempts I finally decided to try and create decals instead. Using my Uber Mat, I painted three stripes next to each other. Using a medium sized brush, I pulled the polishes in a zigzag pattern across the stripes, as if I was watermarbling. I choose to use a brush, but a pin, tiny dotting tool, toothpick, or watermarbling tool could also be used. I then set this aside to dry. 

While my decals were drying I applied one coat of white polish. As you can se it's a bit sloppy because it will all ended up covered. 

Once, my drag decals were dry, I carefully peeled them off the mat. Some people recommend applying a quick drying topcoat over the decals while they're still on the mat to help them dry quicker and give them so rigidity. I opted not to apply the topcoat because I don't like the rigidity, I feel it makes the decals more challenging to apply. If you opt to not use a quick drying topcoat give the decals extra time to dry, and take a bit more extra caution whe removing them from the mat.  Next apply another thin coat of white polish, and gently press the decal to the wet nail polish. Use a orange stick, cuticle scissors, or like me a cuticle pusher to trim off the excess decal. Then use gentle acetone and a brush to give a good cleanup and help seal the decal to the nail. 

For this nail art design. I applied to drag marble decals on my ring and mid finger. I painted the remaining nails with coordinating colors. Lastly, I finished off with a high gloss quick drying topcoat. 

Even though this took me a few tries I'm excited about how these turned out. Just like any new technique it takes some practice to perfect it. 

The nice thing about dry marbling is that you can use absolutely any polish you want. You don't have to worry about how it spreads in the water. 

I hope you enjoyed this bright faux watermarble design. Thanks for stopping by, see you next time. 

Your Fellow Plebe,



  1. It's definitely very beautiful! Love the color you have used here! <3

    1. Thank you Nailfame! I love neon nail art don't you?

    2. Thank you Nailfame! I love neon nail art don't you?


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